Monday, May 11, 2009

Day 37

The quarantine continues. The isolation wears heavily. The new-parent-sleep-deprivation taxes.

Rayna and I are running a zone defense against Peyton's eat-sleep-poop schedule. I'm on call midnight to 4am, and Rayna covers 4am to 8am. That way only one of us gets up at each summons and each of us gets a continuous block of sleep every night.

We are both missing our social lives, but the contact precautions expire on Friday. I can't wait. We've got some serious cabin fever here.

The cardiac surgeon said today that all looked well and that we didn't even need another follow up appointment with him. The instructions were simple: call if the exterior healing doesn't progress. Easy enough.

The nurses at the surgeon's office cooed over Peyton, too, and that's always music to this parent's ears.

The baby acne is retreating, which while superficial, is good to see as well.


  1. We can't wait till the quarrantine is over, either! We've missed you all at family dinners! And there are lots of arms here waiting to hold precious Peyton! Hang in there, we love you, and we'll see you soon. Love, Mom and Dad (Grandmommy and Granddaddy)

  2. I am so glad there is sunshine at the end of the tunnel !
    Happy parenthood!

  3. Hi there,
    Even if the quarantine is lifted HAVE EVERYONE WASH THEIR HANDS before they pick her up.. Let everyone chuckle at your germaphobe behavior and save our little sweetie from any unnecessary exposure. Can't be too careful with someone so precious :)
    (Carry antibacterial wet-wipes for those situations where washing isn't convenient) believe me - we've started doing this at church and our kids are having a significant decrease in just common colds.
    And heck - absence makes the heart grow fonder :) this is parent duty now. The second baby will be easier!!
    tee,hee... Aunt Barb

  4. If you could put all the other mess aside that you have had to deal w/ regarding Peyton's health, you sound just like any other parent of a newborn! That's good news, I think! It means you're on your way to raising a beautiful little girl that will soon be running circles around you both before you know it. Good luck getting the sleep you need when you can get it. It's just a small phase in your life and things get so, so much better!
    Jennifer Taylor Hall
