Saturday, May 16, 2009

Day 42


Six weeks post-birth, and the only medication Peyton's on now is baby asprin. Next step: sleeping through the night again. We got lucky a couple nights ago, but the last two have been brutal.


  1. They like to tease you a bit before sleeping through the night becomes a regular event. :)

  2. I love the cross-eyed one! LOL. When Addison first did that I got all worried. She'd outgrown that up until today. I noticed some "ophthalmological digression" just this afternoon... haha! I have no idea if that's a real word or not but it sounds cool.


  3. What GREAT news that Peyton is doing so well. I assume the quarantine is over? Bob and Joan

  4. Yes the quarantine has finally been lifted.

  5. She is so cute. Glad everything is going well. Don't be too hard on her about her sleep. My son was 2 years old before he slept through the night:) It gets easier. Laura

  6. good to see things are going so well for Peyton, you & Reyna. Will continue to pray for her recovery. At almost 7 months I am still waiting for Ellie to sleep through the night - hope Peyton will be a little quicker at it! But if its any consolation, you get used to not sleeping.

    Katy Eng

  7. Here's a tip, take it or leave it. When I was pregnant with Sophie, I read, 'On Becoming Babywise' by Ezzo. It's about putting your child on an eating and sleeping schedule. Some people have strong opinions about scheduling your child, but it REALLY worked for us. Not only did both of our kids sleep through the night by 2 months, but Sophie transitioned easily to a toddler bed from her crib (with a lot of kids that's a really hard step, and she's a very active, very curious, very INDEPENDENT child, so it probably would have been really hard if I hadn't had her scheduled). Now that I have two kids, I can schedule their nap times to co-incide in the afternoon, so I have my 'me' time every day. It also really helps me as a parent, because I can better judge my child's needs, and my babies are less frustrated because their needs are being met more promptly. We as humans thrive on structure, and babies are no different. I would recommend that you buy the book, or rent it from the library, to see if it would work for your family and situation.
    So, there's my 2 cents, take it or leave it :) Hope you guys start getting more rest regardless. Peyton needs her mommy and daddy who are healthy, present, and happy!
