Monday, April 27, 2009

Day 23

What time is it? Better yet, what day is it?

Rayna and I have been up and down as Peyton sleeps in 2 to 4 hour increments during the day, but when night comes, there's no telling. We suspect that she may have some excess gas from the food Rayna's been eating lately--foods that we've just discovered have a connection to gas. We'll see what the pediatrician has to say tomorrow.

Not exactly deep thoughts this evening, but sleep deprivation will do that...


  1. Hang in there guys. I'm sure someone has already told you about Mylacon gas drops. If not, go to the drug store immediately. It works so fast. We used to put some in every bottle for about a month and now it is on an as needed basis.


  2. This is the joy of getting mom and dad to adapt to baby's schedule and not the other way around! I would STRONGLY recommend Mylacon gas drops, which are silicon drops which very rapidly break up gas. Also - BUNDLE her! hot or cold, babies need to be snuggly especially during times of change. What helped the most with Hope is to get our night time routine started and stabalized, bath, feeding, rocking and quiet music to night night. that has progressed to story time after bath, but it is a pattern she recognizes and responds to.
    you can do it!! just remember to nap if you can when the baby naps. get enough high quality food in you too! and light exercise.
    Hang in there :)

  3. rest easy knowing that this is CAKE compared to what you just went through! she is acting like a normal, healthy infant!

  4. Keep up the tag teaming and just sleep when you can. You'll get the sleep you need just not all in one stretch. And enjoy these early days. They don't last that long. Horray, Peyton is acting normal and healthy! You wouldn't want her to be any other way right now. - Christine
