Thursday, April 9, 2009

Day 5 - Last post of the day

What a string of events this evening. After our initial concern over the blood supply to Peyton's foot, the facts got miscommunicated to the point that an email went out saying that Peyton was going to undergo emergency open-heart surgery this evening. Boy was I surprised when I saw that. I called the author, backed him off the ledge (so to speak), and we both got a good laugh!

Yet concern remained, I mean no pulse in a foot would and should be alarming to folks. Steve had great counsel and said talk to the man we've trusted so far. Find out what his plan is. Does he think this is an emergency? When does he involve a vascular, pediatric or cardiac surgeon?

I followed his advice. I can't tell you how grateful I am to have a father who, while deeply concerned for the health and well-being of his first granddaughter, provides even-keel, sound, compassionate counsel.

It was my turn to be walked back from the ledge, and Dr. Holt did the honors. He said this is in the realm of normal for infant catheterization patients. He's not concerned. It happens often enough that there is a preset protocol for responding, and that's exactly what the attending was doing. He used words like not unusual and plan. He set boundaries for what symptoms tell us it's time to be worried. He explained when he would get a vascular surgeon involved.

Peace. Boundaries, a plan, expectations, all these things seem to bring peace. There's probably a valuable parenting lesson there.

I apologized to the attending for doing an end run around him and disrespecting his leadership. I was acting out of fear...fear, fatigue, and anxiety. Not how I want to walk faithfully with God. Not how I want the doctors and nurses to see the work of God.

Well, now we head home for a good night's rest. Thankfully God's mercies are new every morning because I'm gonna need a new batch tomorrow. Until then...

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